zondag 29 augustus 2010


Hi, well I made just another thing today. A lay-out! It is an explosion of colours and flowers but I think it is fun! Love the paper from Imaginisce (Twitterpated, Hey Foxy)! It is so fun and colourful. I bought it about a year ago, but could not find a picture to go with it. But now I did, this is Marit, very cute daugher from a fiend of mine. For this I used challenge #8 from Scrappers Challenge Blog, it was to lift a LO. Love to do that!

Well for the dutchies with us, I leave you with the book I'm reading at this moment:

Jeroen en Chantal van der Schaaf hebben met hun tweeling een all-inclusive vakantie naar Turkije geboekt: een compleet pakket van vlucht, verblijf, eten, drank en amusement. Het is voor het eerst dat ze deze populaire reisvorm kiezen, op aanraden van de zwager van Jeroen, en de eerste dagen van hun reis brengen ze als in een roes door. Maar dan slaat het noodlot toe. Jeroen, die heeft beloofd op de kinderen te letten, valt in slaap en in die tijd verdrinken de tienjarige Max en Dennis in het zwembad.

Het leven dat Jeroen en Chantal tot dat moment had toegelachen, verandert in een nachtmerrie. Terwijl Jeroen zich steeds verder in zichzelf terugtrekt, vecht Chantal voor hun relatie en probeert stukje bij beetje hun leven weer op de rails te krijgen. Dan krijgt ze uit betrouwbare bron te horen dat de dood van Max en Dennis vermoedelijk geen incident was. Langzaam maar zeker komt ze erachter welke schokkende praktijken de grote hotelketens hanteren om het all-inclusive systeem tot een succes te maken…

Trick or treat

Oke I think my mojo isn't totally gone because the next card was much better then the first one! It is again the Digi from Karen's Doodles. This one is special because you can receive it when your a hyves member, but you have to make a card then! Not a problem! Agian the Halloween paper from Basic Grey. So this one is entering the hyves challenge and the Creative Card Crew Challenge (Sparkle & Shine). Ow and I wanted to tell you that the Orange pins are made by me with fimo clay!

I used the following copics: E53, E51, W5, W3, R00, YR68, YR16, E35, G21

Got Candy

It is droopy weather but that's perfect for scrapping! But it seems that my mojo is lost, or maybe Halloween or these colours are not my thing. Not that pleased with the result. But I show you anyway because it will compete in a few challenges:

Karens Doodles Dutch Challenge Blog- Pick your colourscheme (mine is Aubergine, Green and Orange)
Creative Card Crew- Sparkle and Shine

I used Basic Grey paper for this card. Well of to my next Halloween Card. Happy scrapping and I'll be back later today!

zaterdag 28 augustus 2010

Mijn eerste fotoserie en nog iets leuks!

Deze keer even een berichtje in het Nederlands want dit wordt anders een beetje lastig in Engels, beetje lui ook. Ik ben net hier in de buurt naar de Molukse feesten geweest om foto's te maken. Peter en ik hebben een tijdje geleden een mooie camera aangeschaft, mede vanwege de reis naar Zuid-Afrika, maar ook omdat we beide fotograferen super intressant vinden. En daar echt iets mee willen gaan doen. Dus een vriend van ons geeft ons een beetje cursus en ik probeer te oefenen zoveel ik kan. Dus vandaar even naar de molukse feesten. Dit is een serie van portretten die ik heb gemaakt:

En dan kwam vandaag eindelijk mijn eigen stempel binnen voor de kaarten die ik maak, is ie niet geweldig? Gekocht bij Bunny Zoe's Crafts.

We must always have old memories and young hopes

This week I coloured this stamp and yesterday I made a card with it. I wanted it to be kind of vintage which is not my style. But I really like to try something different once in a while, and I thought this stamp would be perfect for it! So I'm curious what you think about it! This time I am not sure which paper I used because it are some scraps, I think it is Bo Bunny's.

This challenge enters two challenges:

I also wanted to tell you that it is almost 1st of september, which means a new challenge at Scrappassion, and this time it is fun! And there are lot of prices to win, so check out the Scrappassion blog at the 1st of September!

woensdag 25 augustus 2010

More new stuff!

Yesterday the new kit from Scrapclub arrived! Love love love it! Full of papers from Little Yellow Bicycle and perfect to scrap my photo's I will make in South-Africa in about two months. This box will be closed till december!

zaterdag 21 augustus 2010

New stuff

Hi there, as I said I went to Kreahoek in Ovezande, never been there but I'm glad I did! Bought some new paper and my very first Martha Stewart Punch! I think it won't be my last!

The weather is still not that great but I still went into my backyard just to read a book and play with the dog! At this moment I'm reading (for the dutchies)

Myron heeft al jaren niks gehoord van Terese Collins. Niet sinds hun affaire abrupt aan een einde kwam. Haar telefoontje, waarin ze hem smeekt om naar Parijs te komen, overrompelt hem dan ook. Toch stapt hij een paar uur later in het vliegtuig.

In Parijs blijkt Terese te worden verdacht van de moord op haar ex-man. Het politieonderzoek onthult bovendien een lang verborgen familiegeheim. In dit land, waar niemand hem gunstig gezind lijkt te zijn, staat Myron er alleen voor om Terese's onschuld te bewijzen.

Halloween is a real treat

Hi everybody! How are you all? Here the weather will be finally good! So I'm going to enjoy it today! Maybe I'm going to visit Kreahoek in Ovezande, Renata is going to do a copic demonstration which I would love to see! For now I want to show you my very first Halloween Card ever! I loved making it, love the colours and love the theme! I'm going on vacation 24th of October, so I'm planning to send my family Halloween Cards just before leaving, surprise!

This Digi is a freebie, but by receiving it you have to make a card for the Doodle Diva Challenge. You can win an amazing price, two Rubber stamps from Karen's Doodles and three copic refills. Wouldn't you love that? You can also join at Hyves and facebook, but everytime a new card. I used for this card paper from Basic Grey.

I combined the following challenges:

maandag 16 augustus 2010

Winner Candy

Today it is the 16th of August so time for my candy winner. Wow I had so many entries and so many new followers! Welcome everybody, I hope I can inspire you with my work. Well, now for the winner:

True Random Number Generator

Min:  1

Max: 42

Result: 3

Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Congratulations Samantha! Please send me and e-mail with your adress and I will send you your price!

Candy Time!

Let op, dit bericht blijft bovenaan staan tot 16 augustus. Please scroll down for newer posts.

Heej iedereen! Omdat ik zo blij ben dat ik ben aangenomen bij Scrappassion Challenge Blog dacht ik deze blijheid te delen door een candy weg te geven! Dus ik heb vandaag even geshopt en dit is het resultaat.
  • 12 velletjes 6"x6" van Sassafras Monstrocities
  • 8 velletjes van onbekend merk maar beetje Vintage achtig
  • Diverse stempel afdrukjes
  • Diverse bloemetjes van Prima Marketing
  • Blaadjes
  • En een Maya Road stoffen mini-boekje
Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden en meedoen! Wat moet je dan doen? In ieder geval je naam invullen bij Mister Linky en volger worden van mijn blog als je dat nog niet bent. Verder deze candy op je eigen blog plaatsen! En een comment is natuurlijk altijd leuk! Succes allemaal met de candy! Ik zal de candy verloten op 16 augustus (de verjaardag van mijn broertjes en papa).

Hi everybody! Because I'm so happy that I made it in the Scrappassion Challenge Blog Creative Team I thought I would share my happiness with you! I bought some stuff for a candy.
  • 12 velletjes 6"x6" van Sassafras Monstrocities
  • 8 velletjes van onbekend merk maar beetje Vintage achtig
  • Diverse stempel afdrukjes
  • Diverse bloemetjes van Prima Marketing
  • Blaadjes
  • En een Maya Road stoffen mini-boekje
I hope you like it and join this candy! What do you have to do, well first of all, put your name in Mister Linky and become a follower if you're not a follower yet. Please put this candy on your blog. And I always like a comment! Good luck with this candy and the winner will be announced on 16th of August (my brother and father's birthday).

zondag 15 augustus 2010

Kenny K!

As I told you before, I'm so in love with the Kenny K images! And they have a couple of new ones in the All Stars Collection. They are fun too! Well I made two cards today, one for my brothers birthday and one for my fathers birthday. They both celebrating their birthday on the 16th! Isn't that special? My brother was my mothers present 25 years ago!

Well I made them these cards with Kenny K, so perfect for male cards! I made them with paper from Bo Bunny "Back to Basics". Love this paper as well!

The first card joins these challenges:

And the second one these challenges:

Have a splash

I'm not that disappointed, I made three cards today! With a little pressure, because two of them are for my father and brother, we are heading their way in a few minutes to celebrate their birthday! I will show them in a seperate post. But first this card, the paper is from the July kit from ScrapClub.


dinsdag 10 augustus 2010

Rosie D Challenge

And I made this cute card this weekend. What do you think about this Digi??? It is so unbelievebly (did I write this well?) cute! It is from Mo's Digital Pencil. I used the challenge from Rosie D. I had to think about it, you had to use more then one fold. I think it turned out pretty well. And again paper from march from Scrapclub Kit.

maandag 9 augustus 2010

Creative Scrappers sketch #115

And here is another LO I made this weekend. I really like this one, I think it is so simple but very clever at once. Thanks to the sketch from Creative Scrappers. The paper is again from the march kit from ScrapClub. Let me know what you think!

zondag 8 augustus 2010

Creative Scrappers sketch #116

Well, agianst all odds I did some scrapping, made two LO's and a card! I won't show it all in once, so you have to wait for later this week for more. For know I leave you with a LO I made with a sketch from Creative Scrappers. I used the Scrapclub Kit from March (yes I'm a bit behind!). I'm not really pleased with the result, I don't know what is missing or is wrong. Maybe it is just the colours. It's a bit too sweet for my taste.

Another few challenges

Everytime I say to myself "today I will do nothing else but scrapping", it doesn't work. I always get distracted by everything that has to be done (well, I think they have to be done). When the day has gone by I'm always disappointed that I did not "enough" scrapping. Well and today is that day! I made one card so far.... But I'm pleased with it! I'm so in love with the KennyK Digi's, they are so much fun!

This time I combined these challenge:

This are the supplies:

And this are the copics used: